In the BEGINNING! Getting Started with Homeschooling!

13 years ago I made the decision.  I decided to homeschool my daughters.  I had experience as a public school teacher and a private school administrator.  However, I had no prior experience for my homeschool journey I was beginning.  Looking down the road, I wish I had known a few things before beginning.  In this blog post, my goal is to help you, as you start your journey.

Getting Started with Homeschooling 10 Steps:

Step 1:  BE LEGAL. Make sure your child is registered as a homeschooler with the school board of the county you are living in.

Step 2:  TRUST YOURSELF.  You can homeschool! You have made the decision. Commit to the decision you have made.

Step 3:  GET SET UP:  Set up your school room. Decide where you are going to have most of your learning experiences and get ready for it.  Currently we use a large dining room table that doubles as our formal dining room.  When we were starting out, we had a room that was the designated school room.  Don't get "hung up" on having school in one place. School work at home can be finished  outdoors, on the couch or on in another room. One of my favorite homeschooling moments includes reading aloud to my kids outside on a quilt under a tree.  An important organization plan is that you need to have one place for all your supplies. Make sure you have all the tools you need for learning. School books, computer programs, & school supplies that are organized and in one place make life much easier. Also make a daily schedule that fits your family's needs.

Step 4:  START SIMPLE:  The first year for homeschooling is the hardest.  The first year I spent learning my kid's learning styles. I started with a simple curriculum --like Abeka homeschool books, School of Tomorrow PACES, or AOP Life Pacs. This took the pressure off of me to come up with my own creative lessons while also balancing home responsibilities.  Since the first year, I have found curriculum that is more "tailor made" for my daughters.  I don't write the lessons, but I have researched what curriculum best fits their learning styles.

Step 5:  FOCUS ON PRIORITIES:  What are your family goals for the year?  Each year I have a list on a piece of paper that lists our family goals.  Under the family goals I have listed my learning goals for each of my children.  If you write down the goals you want to accomplish,  you will feel more satisfied with the progress you are making with homeschooling as you accomplish your goals.  If you start feeling overwhelmed look back over your goals.  Take it slow. One goal at a time. Remind yourself that you can do it!

                            example:  Jones' Family Goals

Start each day with family prayer and Bible Reading.
Go on 5 family field trips.
Build relationships at the dinner table.
Discuss High's and Low's of each day.

School Goals:
Focus on Reading.  Work with __________________ on reading fluency. Take trips to the Library.
Do at least 5 Science Experiments
Implement a structured P.E. program.  Go to gym and pool for daily exercise.

etc...... and so on....

Step 6: CONNECT WITH OTHERS: No man is an island.
Connect with other homeschooling families or your church community.  You will need emotional and academic support.  Options include Co-ops, umbrella schools, homeschool groups at church, community drama groups or friends who are also homeschooling.

Step 7:  GET RID 'OF PERFECTION: Pursue excellence but not perfection. 
In the beginning you are learning. Take each day as it comes.  Learn from your victories and mistakes.

Step 8:  LEARNING FOR LEARNING'S SAKE:  Focus on a love for learning and independent activities.

Step 9:  TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF:  Happy Mom/Dad--Happy Kids!
This one is hard for those of us who feel like we never have enough hours in a day for ourselves.  Sometimes just an hour out of the house for a coffee or a walk can work wonders. Don't forget to care for yourself while giving out to your family.


Some years have been smooth, while other years have been BUMPY! We've moved during some school years. I had two pregnancies, a miscarriage, family illness, operations, and hospitalizations. Sometimes life hits HARD! Just remember do the best you can.  If you aren't able to stay on course with book work, make sure you still document learning activities. Play educational games, watch educational movies, incorporate learning into the experiences that happen in your life. You can get caught up and survive the "low tide" moments.  Try to have fun. Take time to laugh. We only have one life, and one chance to give our kids the best education they need and deserve. Enjoy the journey.

Here's to a GREAT BEGINNING!!!


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